Subject: Meeting at last

Foto Friday

September 27, 2024

 Sponsors Visiting Their Girl's Home

Warm greetings from Uganda, where a home visit has deeply touched us. On Sunday, we stepped into the world of Vivian, a 12-year-old Mustard Seed student whose life has been transformed by Bob and Libby Canavan's unwavering support.

Sitting on a floor mat, we witnessed a mother's gratitude transcending language. Through our interpreter, Vivian's mother expressed her deep appreciation. "I am honored to have you visit my humble home. May God bless you abundantly." Her words, repeated with heartfelt sincerity, bridged the vast distance between our worlds. Before we left, she blessed us with a prayer, a moment that will remain etched in our memories.

The weight of Mama Vivian's reality – caring for seven children alone since her husband's abandonment – left us in awe of her resilience. The visit stirred something profound in Libby, who spent a sleepless night pondering how to extend more help to Vivian and her family.

With gratitude for the Canavans and all of you who lend your support to transform the lives of children like Vivian,


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