Subject: From Mountain Gorillas to Mustard Seed

Foto Friday

August 23, 2024

 The Majestic Endangered Mountain Gorilla

captured by Joe Griswold, 2003 

Happy Friday Friend,

Today, we're beginning the second year of Foto Friday, so it seems a fitting moment to look back 21 years.

In 2003, the allure of Uganda's magnificent mountain gorillas drew us into an adventure that would change countless lives. While our initial goal was to witness these awe-inspiring creatures, visiting a struggling school along the route opened our eyes to the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on the community. This encounter with children in desperate need of care and education sparked a vision that would grow into Mustard Seed Academy.

Thanks to your involvement, Mustard Seed Academy now stands as a beacon of hope, nurturing the next generation of Uganda's leaders and providing crucial support to orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS.



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