Subject: Crisis in Lukaya: Help feed an MSA child (2x match)

Warm End of Summer Greetings, Friend,

I'm reaching out today with an urgent plea and an opportunity to double your gift.

Extreme floods followed by scorching heat have devastated local crops in Lukaya. Maize meal, the foundation of students' breakfast porridge and lunch posho, has become scarce and expensive.


Please send a special gift before September 10 to feed a vulnerable child at Mustard Seed Academy.

When Dana and Kathryn Hiscock, co-founders of Real Partners Uganda, heard that prices were already 50% higher and still going up, they pledged $15,000 to double your gift. The need to stock up on staples before prices increase further is urgent, and the deadline is September 10.


Imagine the heartbreak of telling a child there's no food today. Or picture the disappointment in a teacher's eyes when they can't receive their full hard-earned salary because the little money available was used for food. These are harsh realities that your support can help prevent.

You've always understood that educating and nurturing the whole child is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, and your past support has been a lifeline for countless children. Today, I'm asking you to be that lifeline again.

Please send your best gift by September 10 to help feed MSA students. Earlier this year, one student's school nutrition was about fifteen dollars a month, but now it's $22 and increasing. There are many children and a few months before the next harvest. Your contribution will keep Mustard Seed Academy students' dreams alive, their stomachs full, and their futures bright.

Your gift will be the difference between struggle and success for an orphan or vulnerable child who calls Mustard Seed Academy home.

Thank you for being a real partner—in a fantastic community of compassionate supporters. Your generosity doesn't just change lives – it saves them. I'm honored and thankful to be able to write to you about this crisis. I know you understand what's at stake, and you've shown you care.

Your swift response could mean the difference between a child going to bed hungry or nourished and completing their education or dropping out.

If you can, please act today to keep Mustard Seed kids thriving.* Your gift will be matched until September 10.**

With deepest gratitude and hope,


Elaine Griswold 

Executive Director

Real Partners Uganda

P.S. Don't miss this matched-giving opportunity!* Click here to give

* Gifts will be used to buy food for Mustard Seed Academy during this crisis and for all of the good work needed to keep Mustard Seed kids thriving.

**Gifts will be matched until the total $15,000 in matching funds are all used or until September 10, whichever comes first. 

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