Subject: Back to school in the family "car"

Foto Friday

May 24, 2024

The Family Vehicle

Hi Friend,

This week's photo captures a familiar scene across Uganda—a family relying on a motorcycle as their primary means of transport.

I can easily guess that the girl on the back is returning to school after the term break. The pink suitcase indicates she's a boarding student, and the matoke (green plantains) may be part of her tuition payment.

While far from safe, boda-bodas often serve as the family car. Poorer folks walk or pay a few shillings for a ride on a boda-boda taxi. Few residents of Lukaya own cars.

Recently, a network of boda-boda taxis called Safe Boda was established using the Uber model. The drivers are trained and certified and are only allowed one passenger. It's in Kampala now and a significant improvement. The same system is needed in Lukaya.

I hope you enjoy this small glimpse into the lifestyle and culture of the children you support at Mustard Seed Academy.

Have a good weekend.




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