Subject: Don’t you just hate to fail?

Don’t you just hate to fail?

Some people report experiencing physical pain when

they go fail at something important to them.


Failure sucks.


But the truth is, I don’t believe in failure.


I get the concept, but missing a question on a test

or losing a game doesn’t make a failure any more

than getting a perfect score on the test or winning

a game makes a success.


One of my favorite writers, John Carlton, says the

reason he succeeded as a freelance copywriter is

because he failed fast.


He says he wishes he failed faster and more often.


Now that’s a healthy way to look at failing.


But don’t you worry.


I’m not here to advocate your next big flop.


I’m not here to encourage you to dive into the deep

end and drown.


I’m here to make your life a little bit easier.


I feel failure is important, but not always necessary.

With some things, you can skip a lot of failure and

get amazing results.


Here’s a great example of this concept  in action

Talk Soon,

~ Jason Harris

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