Subject: Dear Friend, Your Heart Is Calling You Home.

Dear Friend, Your Heart Is Calling You Home.

February 12th, 2014 at 7:56 am EDT

My dear Friend, Do you remember what "home" feels like? Which of these feels like "home" to you? Where you feel fully supported, whatever you decide. Where you are loved without conditions. Where you can take off the masks you present to the world ...

What holds you back from Receiving Higher Guidance?

January 8th, 2014 at 2:00 am EDT

Hi, Friend, Are you fully accessing Divine wisdom, guidance, and love? You can be! Register Now! . . . OR . . . Perhaps something is holding you back? If you feel blocked in your ability to access Divine Guidance, it may be due to a limiting be ...

Claiming Your Divine Right to Divine Wisdom

January 6th, 2014 at 5:15 am EDT

Hi, Friend, When you look at the image on the right, what draws your attention? Is it the column of golden light between your higher aspect and your embodied aspect? That golden light gives you direct access to Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Wisd ...