Dear Friend,
Humanity is engaged in a birthing process.
You are giving birth to yourself.
Giving birth is never easy, especially when you resist, which causes more pain.
What makes this process easier and far less painful, is to embrace the opportunity to rediscover the True You, the beautiful, magnificent, empowered you, the person you already are, but have lost touch with during this and earlier lifetimes.
This is the you that your animals and others see when they look at you through their loving hearts.
This is the you that you may forgotten about, and will rediscover through this birthing process.
It takes a great deal of courage to step out into what feels like the unknown.
When you awaken in the morning, you can’t predict what the day will be like. Changes are coming so fast that what you thought was true yesterday may no longer be true today.
Your attitude affects how to you experience whatever happens.
Namaste. 🙏 Nedda
p.s. Help is available to get you through this birthing process. Check out my services listed below and you may find exactly what will help you smooth things out, ease the transition, and connect you with your personal power and inner Joy.