Subject: Tuesday, July 28, listen live to "Cultivating and Living Heart Consciousness", a Quantum Conversation with Nedda Wittels and Lauren Galey. Become Empowered and Enlightened. Remember your True Mastery and Divine Purpose. Playback will be available.

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Join Nedda Wittels and Lauren Galey, for a Quantum Conversation

Cultivating and Living Heart Consciousness:
Animal Communication, Spiritual Empowerment, and
Energy Healing.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020
2 p.m. PT,  3 p.m. MT,  4 p.m. CT,  5 p.m. ET,  10 p.m. GMT

You’re invited to join me in a Quantum Conversation to discuss how you can Stand in your Mastery and Find your Power through living in the Heart with Divine Love, Activating Christ Consciousness and raising the vibration of the planet.

This series of Quantum Conversations by host Lauren Galey is designed to EMPOWER & ENLIGHTEN you in your remembrance of your true mastery and your Divine Purpose for being here on this planet.

Each Quantum Conversation assists you in moving into and maintaining the High Vibrational Frequencies of Joy, Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Peace, and Compassion.

You will get an email from Lauren Galey for my show 2 hours before the event and can listen to the replay anytime.

What can you expect from this program?

In this Quantum Conversation,
Nedda Wittels, MS., MA.
will reveal the connections
~ between Heart Consciousness and your psychic abilities,
~ between Heart Consciousness and your personal power, and
~ between Heart Consciousness and your ability to heal multidimensionally.

As you move into permanent Heart Centered Living, you’ll find you have

~~ An open hearted perspective and approach to each day’s challenges.

~~ A naturally ability to attract abundance in all areas of your life. 

~~ A receptivity to let go of what holds you back and to embrace what will move you forward to full 5th Dimensional Living.

~~ A shift into greater psychic/intuitive awareness.

~~ A strong desire to break free of limitation and restore your personal power.

Attend the live program or listen to the replay.

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Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
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