Subject: The Cat Who Spells: The true story of a cat who sent a message in her dreams. Animal Communication while you sleep.

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"The Cat Who Spells"

by Nedda Wittels and Cathy Trementozzi"

"Receiving Telepathically from Animals"

by Nedda Wittels

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"The Cat Who Spells"


Nedda Wittels and Cathy Trementozzi

Cathy Trementozzi sent me an email last week sharing her experience receiving telepathically from her cat, MaMah. Here's what she wrote:

A very weird thing happened this morning.

I’m sleeping. I dream/see gray background and black letters . . .


About a second or 2 later I hear a quiet-ish meow.

I wake up to find that MaMah is lying next to my head between me and my husband, which is extremely unusual. Plus MaMah isn’t quiet when she meows.

I questioned myself if I’m actually experiencing what I’m experiencing - seeing written words to me from MaMah.

And she meows in response to basically “tell” me - “yeah it's real - I’m hungry, let’s get going here!”

I get up to feed everyone.

MaMah finishes all her breakfast. And walks over to eat the leftovers of the other cats.

I run out to get coffee and when I return I hear MaMah jump down and walk down the hallway.

I ask if she’s still hungry and she replies “Yes” so I fed her another pack of food.

I thanked her for letting me know what she wanted/needed. She acknowledged my gratitude.

So I'll try spelling words telepathically with MaMah to better communicate with her.

I understand that animals can communicate in all kinds of ways. I've never heard of an animal communicating by spelling/writing.

Cathy Trementozzi, MBA, SPHR, SCP

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Cathy's experience raises some fascinating questions.

  1. What determines the form in which we receive telepathically from animals?

  2. Does it depend on the form used by the animal to send the message?

  3. Does it depend on our state of mind: sleeping vs. awake?

  4. Does it depend on the number of telepathic "channels" we have open to receive?

  5. Did MaMah actually spell "I'm HUNGRY", or is that how Cathy's telepathic receptivity interpret the message as the most powerful way to wake Cathy up?

Read the article below to learn more on this topic.


"Echo" was my Animal Communication teacher for many years.

"Receiving Telepathically from Animals"

by Nedda Wittels

Dear Friend,

When we first start remembering/learning Animal Communication, we tend to receive in the easiest way that our Consciousness is open to receiving.

For me it was pictures, feelings, and words, but over time the forms in which I received expanded greatly. Now I also receive bodily sensations, tastes, smells, and in several other ways.

I've had students who, at first, would see slide shows, cartoons, and videos. These can be challenging to interpret into a clear message when first learning Animal Communication.

I've had students who receive a word or two in the beginning, and only over time and with practice does their auditory receptivity expand into phrases and then sentences.

Some people experience emotions as their primary way to receive telepathically.

My equine teacher, Echo, shown in the above photo, told me once that the sending and receiving forms do not have to match. For example, she could send me a picture, and I might receive words or feelings. It would depend on how my consciousness processed the incoming energy of her message.

Cathy's experience, described in "The Cat Who Spells", is the first time I've ever heard of an animal sending a "written" message. I truly don't know whether MaMah was spelling out words or whether Cathy's mind, in the dream state, chose this form as the best one for Cathy to receive the message. After all, it came as quite a surprise and woke her up quickly, which MaMah confirmed was her intention.

Of course, we can ask MaMah, "How were you sending the message I'M HUNGRY to Cathy while she was asleep?"

I encourage Cathy to ask MaMah this question herself as a way of expanding her own telepathic abilities - practicing by asking the animal for more information.

If you are starting to remember your natural telepathic abilities and/or are taking classes in Animal Communication, don't insist that you must receive telepathically in a particular form.

Instead, be "open to possibilities" about the ways in which you receive, and you'll experience greater success much faster and have more fun-filled experiences.



Find out what your animal friends are thinking and feeling.


~~ Services for Animals ~~
To facilitate communication between you and your animals,
and help you both heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"


~~ Services for Humans ~~

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process

by gently guiding you into taking next steps that you choose.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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