Subject: Soar to New Heights in Animal Communication

Rays of Healing Light
FROM:  Nedda at

TWA: Soar to New Heights in
Animal Communication
FREE Teleclass in September
(TWA = Telepathy with Animals)

F*R*E*E  Teleclass:

TWA: Soar to New Heights
      Sat., Sept 23, 2017, at 11 a.m.- Noon EDT

This teleclass is for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students of Animal Communication.  If you are having difficulty getting past blocks to your telepathic skills, consider registering.  A. C. Professionals also welcome.

COMING this October

A TWA Mini Course
TWA: A way of Life

      Three Saturdays,
           October 14, 21, & 28, 2017
           @ 10 -11 a.m. or so, EDT
Investment and content details available soon.

Sneak Peek:  Echo was my horse for 22 years.  She left her body in 1998.  Echo is now here as my cat, Starlight.  How is it possible that I can still speak with Echo in spirit and also speak with Starlight, in body?  You'll have an opportunity to interview both of them during this course.

As your telepathic abilities continue to expand,
you may find yourself stuck or blocked in some way.
Isn't it time to identify and get rid of blocks so you can
Soar to New Heights?

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Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.