Subject: Sick animal? Do your best for your friend with an Animal Communication session. Discover your animal's perspective on the situation.

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"Honeycat recovering"

by Kimberly Hughes


How a conversation with your sick animal companion can assist you both, and also support your friend's healing.

🙏 Nedda's services.

Honeycat Recovering

Honeycat recovered.



"Just a quick note to let you know Honeycat is starting to be "out of the woods" this morning, eating, drinking, and purring. Had a good visit with the new holistic vet yesterday.

"I also want to thank you again, Nedda, for your detailed loving care; the communication session itself, and all the information you shared with me about preventing dehydration and emergency room visits and how to start a new food.

"You are truly a force of Love in the world!"

Kimberly Hughes

Girl with box over her head.

How a conversation with your sick animal companion can assist you both, and also support your friend's healing.

Dear Friend,


Having a sick animal can be one of the most emotionally intense times for both of you.

Even if you are able to "tune in" and intuitively sense that your animal isn't feeling well, even if you are seeing specific behavioral symptoms the animal is showing, there can be feelings of worry, fear, anxiety, and panic on your part.

Your animal will feel what you are feeling, and it's important that you be able to think clearly and emotionally support your companion. This can be a tough challenge.

Animal Communication is not a substitute for veterinary medicine. What it can do is help you and your friend prepare for the medical examination, and afterwards understand what the veterinarian said and what it means.

When you both are informed, you both will be calmer.

Calm is necessary for healing.

Of course, in an emergency, there may not be time for a consultation with an Animal Communicator before you go, but afterwards and in other situations a conversation with your animal can help you both.

Here are some examples of how Animal Communication can assist:

  • Allows your animal to express his/her feelings and tell you what s/he is experiencing. Is there pain? Is it dull, sharp, intermittent, constant, and where is it located in the body? Is there nausea, even if the animal isn't vomiting? What else is the animal feeling physically? Emotionally? How can you improve their comfort level?

  • Is the pain medication that the vet prescribed working? When an animal is restless in the night, does this mean that the pain medication schedule or the dosage or both need adjusting? What does your animal friend want you to know about this?

  • Explain to the animal how the vet visit will assist them, thus reducing fear of the unknown. After all, most vet visits are not comfortable for the animal, with shots and other things happening that the animal cannot control and may not understand. Reducing fear can make the whole experience better for everyone.

    NOTE: I recommend you ask lots of questions when you and the animal are in the presence of the vet, even questions to which you may know the answer already so that the animal will hear the veterinarian explain things, and/or so you can explain things to your companion in more detail.

    IGNORANCE is NOT BLISS, especially when it concerns the animal's well-being. After all, how would you feel if you were sick and everyone was talking about you and not including you in the conversation?

  • What kind of help and support does the animal want from you during the vet visit? If your veterinarian takes the animal away from you for shots or xrays or other activities, your animal may need reassurance that they will come back to you

  • If the animal has to stay at the vet, be sure to ask about visitation. Animal Communication sessions are easily possible even when the animal is in hospital and you're not physically there. What a blessing to be able to reassure your friend that you haven't abandoned him/her and will be able to visit or pick them up soon.

  • If your animal has stopped eating, what does the animal want you to do about it? Wait 1 day to of see if their body resets itself? Rush to the emergency room?

  • if your animal has stopped drinking water, does your animal need electrolytes to get back on track? Will your animal accept water or electrolytes by dropper or syringe?

  • If the veterinarian diagnoses a serious illness with various medical options, Animal Communication allows your companion to participate in decisions about his/her treatment plan. This is respectful and honors your friend's sentience.

These are just some of the benefits speaking with a sick animal can offer you.

As an Animal Communicator, Master of Energy Healing. and as a Certified Practitioner of The Emotion Code™ developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, I know that clearing emotional blocks can facilitate and even accelerate healing.

Since I use The Emotion Code™ with humans and animals, I can help both of you clear intense emotions so you can make good choices together for your companion's health, as well as end-of-life decisions.

This article touches on a few of the ways Animal Communication can help when you have a sick animal.

If you have a sick animal and would like a consultation, use the link below to complete the intake form and to pay for an Animal Communication session.



Help your sick animal.


~~ Services for Animals ~~
To facilitate communication between you and your animals,
and help you both heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"


~~ Services for Humans ~~

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process

by gently guiding you into taking next steps that you choose.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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