Subject: Sharing a Prayer of Gratitude

Content is Light Encoded to assist your journey.

~~ May Your Thanksgiving Be Abundant. ~~

Dear Friend,

May your Soul be filled with gratitude and appreciation for all that you have and all that you are creating in each now moment.

Celebrating Thanksgiving is a powerful time to open your heart to receive abundantly. Expressions of gratitude have been shown to expand and strengthen your heart's energy vortex, which is 8 feet or more in diameter.

May I share this abundance prayer with you?

     Today I gave thanks, appreciation, and gratitude for all that I have.

     I give thanks today for my home, my family of humans and animals, for friends, for human and animal clients, for growth opportunities even when they are challenging, for the beauty I see all around me in nature and within the hearts of the people I know, for my own inner wisdom and creativity, for the plants and animals who provide the food that nourishes my body, for the Divine Spirit and Presence that nourishes my Soul, for the beings who teach me and show me the way that is perfect for my journey in this life, and for all the Love that is flowing freely into my life and my heart.

     I give thanks for clean air, structured water, heat in the winter and cool breezes in the summer, all the kind and gentle people who help by plowing the snow, cleaning the gutters, removing autumn leaves, fixing the plumbing, and helping in uncountable ways to make life easier and more fulfilling.


     I give thanks for opportunities to heal, to help and support others, to be of service.

     Thank you for all the people of Gaia who are awakening and for those who are here working together to help humanity awaken to organic Ascension, rediscovering their individual and group Sovereignty as Divine Creations and Expressions of Infinite Consciousness.

     Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

     Namaste. 🙏

May you have a blessed holiday.


~~ Services for Humans

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

~~ Services for Animals
To help you and your animals communicate,
and help them heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"

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