Subject: "Receiving Higher Guidance" begins tomorrow.


"Receiving Higher Guidance" begins tomorrow.

Take a vacation in the "higher realms".

Learn how to align and work with
guidance from your Divine Self

Learn the SECRETS to clear, accurate communication.

Receive messages from your Divine Self and learn to TRUST those messages. 
FEEL more

  • connected. 
  • at home in your body. 
  • hopeful about your future.
  • empowered.
  • aligned with spirit.
  • loved and loving. 
  • joy, humor, and beauty in yourself and in your life. 
In "Receiving Divine Guidance", you will ...
  • LEARN THE SECRETS of Psychic Receptivity.
  • RECEIVE accurate messages of inspiration, loving support, and specific guidance.
  • DEVELOP the habit of asking for and receiving Divine Guidance in your daily life.
  • INCREASE your receptivity to Divine Messages.
  • ALIGN with your soul path.
  • INTEGRATE and RESONATE with your Divine Self.

INVEST and REGISTER - Only $197.

Program starts this Thursday, August 1, at 2 p.m. EDT.

Each class is 1 - 2 hours in length, so there's enough time for sharing.

Entire Schedule:  August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29  at 2 p.m. EDT.

Live attendance is essential for maximized effectiveness of this program.

Give yourself the gift of knowing and exploring your own spiritual life path!


~~ Nedda's Services

"Listening with my heart to help you find
compassionate, supportive solutions."

"My services have changed to reflect the 5th Dimensional energies."

Nedda Wittels is a first wave Light Worker, Master of Multidimensional Healing,
Animal Communicator, teacher and coach.  She offers services for humans and for their animals companions.
  • Source Resonance Healing
  • Metaphysical Resonance Imaging
  • Akashic Record Consultations
  • Animal Communication
  • Distance Intuitive Multidimensional Healing for animals
  • Private Mentoring for AC Professionals - Learn more...
To schedule a session, call 860-651-5771.
Get details at Rays of Healing Light
Light is Information.
   Love is the Key to Ascension
      Be the Light.  Be the Love.
         Only Love prevails.