~~ On a Personal Note: We are shifting, and it may feel like a very bumpy ride.
Dear Friend,
You may not have a physical gear shift to hold onto, but in terms of Consciousness, energies, and frequencies, you and I are shifting every day, and often multiple times each day.
In the last few weeks, I've experienced days when the shifts came so fast it felt like I was in an earthquake, with the ground beneath my feet moving up and down very quickly.
As a result of the shifts, it felt impossible to keep up for awhile. Issues/problems/challenges arose quickly, and then were resolved nearly as quickly, even tho' they sometimes felt big and often out of control.
This experience is due to energetic changes that affect our Consciousness, and our Consciousness controls what we experience in the world "out there."
So don't be hard on yourself. Don't listen to your Ego (3-D aspect). It's far too easy to blame yourself or someone else when something appears to go wrong. Yet nothing is truly wrong. It's all about Ascension, and to ascend, we have to shift.
Namaste, Nedda