Photo of Starlight by Nedda Wittels.
Which are you choosing? 3-D? 5-D?
What's the difference? . . .
Dear Friend,
When you hear people talk about the 3rd dimension, you probably think about length, width, and height.
When you hear people talk about the 4th dimension, you probably think about time.
When you hear people talk about the 5th dimension, you may feel confused. What is that anyway?
From a spiritual perspective, dimensions have to do with consciousness and energy frequencies.
You know what consciousness is, right? It’s your awareness of your own thoughts, emotions, memories, feelings, sensations, and your environment.
But Consciousness is much more than that. Consciousness is your direct connection to your Soul, your Higher Self, your I Am Presence.
From that perspective, the 3rd Dimension is a set of frequencies, like an octave on a musical scale. This is also true for the 5th Dimension. It’s a range of frequencies.
When your Consciousness shifts from 3-D to 5-D, your experiences, perceptions, and understandings also shift.
What’s exciting about this time on Mother Gaia, is that you get to choose. Which of these dimensions do you want to continue to experience?
Here’s a simple way to think about these 2 levels of Consciousness.
Experiencing smallness and limitation.
Living a fear-based life (all lower vibration emotions such as anger, jealousy, and anxiety are aspects of fear).
Choosing win/lose scenarios - for you to "win" someone else has to "lose."
Feeling separate from others, including Infinite Consciousness (God).
Focusing on duality (differences and opposites), such as male/female, up/down, friend/foe, darkness/light, and others.
Focusing on blaming others, including fate or God, for whatever you experience.
Experiencing expansion and limitlessness.
Living a Love based life.
Choosing win/win scenarios - for you to win, everyone else has to win, too.
Feeling connected to others, including Infinite Consciousness (God).
Focusing on unity (oneness) with all beings and all things.
Focusing on taking full responsibility for your life experiences - all of them - no exceptions.
Because you have Free Will, you get to choose what you will experience. You get to choose at which level of Consciousness you want to experience life.
Are you wondering about the 4th Dimension? The 4th Dimension is a transitional phase where you’re moving up and back from 3-D to 5-D as you integrate higher vibrational patterns and learn to function in Unity Consciousness.
4-D is where you become aware of areas in your life where you are still thinking and feeling and behaving as if you’re living in 3-D, but it no longer feels good or right for you to live that way.
It's where you start to use your personal power to make new choices about how you want to live: from a higher, more loving perspective towards yourself, towards the Earth, and towards others.
For example, when you notice that you have a 3-D reaction, such as fear or anxiety or anger or other emotions from the 3rd Dimension, you can say to yourself,
“Hey, wait a minute. I don’t want to experience this 3-D way of living any longer. I’m going to shift to a more loving state of being. Instead of being afraid, I'm going to remember who I truly am and change how I feel. I know I create my reality, so I'm going to create harmony, peace, and Love in my Heart.”
And then you do what it takes to make the shift.
More about ways to make the shift in another article.