Subject: Looking for some "fun stuff" to brighten your day? Become excited about human potential through a fabulous film; dance with joy with EMF protection; catch up with news from Rays of Healing Light.

Here's some "fun stuff" to brighten your day.
"WATCH A FABULOUS FILM and become excited about human potential.
DANCE WITH JOY with EMF protection.

Dear Friend,

"Communication with Trees"
comes to a close.

The course, "Communication with Trees" just ended last Saturday with a Celebration of Trees ceremony. 

I enjoyed teaching this new course.  Each student contributed beautifully to everyone else's expansion into this new way of living in harmony with nature.

And I personally thank all the trees who became teachers for the class.

In the last session of the series, we did a healing for a very sick Hemlock tree in my yard.  It was powerful! 

I'm hoping the healing will make a big difference for the tree which has "red bark syndrome," a problem science has not yet been able to understand.

Software Upgrade on my PC

This week, I'm upgrading my computer to Windows 10 and all new software that's compatible. 

I will be doing some sessions for clients this week.

If you need to reach me, please call me 860-651-5771 and leave a message.  I will get back to you as quickly as I can.

If you prefer to send an email, please be patient, as the learning curve with new software can take awhile. 

Upcoming Course Offerings

As soon as I get the upgrade settled in (hopefully by the end of this week), I'll be meeting with my I Am Present to determine what's next for this year's classes. 

Ideas being considered:
  • a TWA (Telepathy with Animals) course;
  • an Ascension related course;
  • a course on how to do energy healing.

A Fabulous Film

I just watched a fascinating film about Burkina Faso, a country in Africa that is taking back control over their food production. 

They are doing it through education, building people's dignity, and throwing out Mosanto.  Even their government is assisting the grass-roots efforts.

You can see the film on Vimeo - rent it for $2.99 USD  or purchase it for a bit more. 

You only need 35 minutes of time to have an eye-opening, ear-delighting, heart-expanding experience.

Watch “Burkinabe Bounty” at this link:

On a Personal Note

I've been using the advice and guidance from Medical Medium's books and website to help my body heal and move through the ascension process.

It's working!  My liver is functioning better, my energy is better, my physical strength is returning, among other wonderful improvements in overall health.

If you feel called to learn how to heal your body with foods and natural supplements, check out his books and website. 

Dance with Joy with EMF Protection

If you read my last blog, you learned that I've experienced dramatic improvements in energy and clarity of mind, as well as other things, from putting a Whole House EMF protection device in my home.

This year I've had more sick animal clients than ever before who's health has been compromised by EMF energies.

Humans are definitely affected as well, and with G5 coming, we need even more protection than ever.

Not sure what G5 is?  Check it out online.

Could you and your animals benefit from EMF protection?


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Services Available for
Animals and Humans
~~ Animal Services
to help you and your animals communicate better so your lives are filled with love, joy, and peace.
  • Animal Communication
  • Distance Multidimensional Energy Healing for animals.

Schedule a session: 860-651-5771.
~~ Services for Humans
to facilitate healing and support your Ascension process.
  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™
  • Intuitive Multidimensional Energy Healing
  • Metaphysical Resonance Imaging™ (Body Scan)
  • Source Resonance Healing™
  • Akashic Record Consultations
  • Preparation for Surgery
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