Dear Friend,
If you're in the storm or running from it, or fighting the fires, I can understand that you're a little busy right now and may not be able to participate.
On the other hand, everyone else . . . it's time to step into your power, step forward, and be counted.
You have the power to assist in putting out fires, calming storms, and making life better for everyone on this planet with your thoughts, your prayers, and your Divine Love.
So stop whatever else you're doing right now and make a commitment to join with me and everyone else who chooses to calm down the chaos on Mother Earth.
Thank you in advance. Namaste Nedda
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Topic: Prayer Session Time: Aug 27, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 10 a.m. CT, 9 a.m. MT, 8 a.m. PT Add 5 hours for GMT,
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