Subject: June is busting out all over! Are you Excited?

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Rays of Healing Light
June is busting out all over!
Are you excited?
~~ On a Personal Note.
~~ New Course this July.
~~ Emergency Love and Help Needed.

~~ On a Personal Note.

Dear Friend,

May has been a very challenging month for me, and for many others. Perhaps you've been experiencing some challenges, too.

During a 2 week period this May, a huge number of things broke in rapid succession:  my lawn mower, the furnace, the washing machine, my water pic, the septic system.... 

It's a much longer list and I'm sure you don't want to read the whole thing.

So I ask my Self, "What's going on here?" 

The answers I get from my I Am Presence are quite fascinating, and also supportive.

~1 Time is accelerated, so it "seems" like everything is happening all at once, and it is.

~2 The old is clearing out and making way for the new.

~3 Since your external world is a reflection of your internal world, this process signals an even greater merging with higher vibrational frequencies of Divine Love and Light, and whatever doesn't resonate is being expelled.

~4 This is also about trustTrust is only increased when challenges arise and you demonstrate to yourself that you can cope with them successfully.

As a result of this experience, I'm looking forward to June when, hopefully, the energies will be more supportive of shifting away from all the chaos into some spaces of peace, harmony, balance, and abundance.

I send this request to the Universe for myself, and for you, too.

I invite you to hold the space in your heart to manifest June as a time of peace, harmony, and abundance for everyone.

~~ New Course this July.

A new course in Animal Communication.

Learn how to do body scans
for animals while telepathically communicating with them.

Discover how to
communicate telepathically
with animal body parts.

Stay tuned.
More details to come.

~~ Emergency Love and Help Needed.

I am asking you to dig deep and donate to Deep Peace Trust Sanctuary.

My friend and colleague, Billie Dean, runs the largest animal sanctuary in Australia.  The sanctuary houses over 400 animals  (horses, cows, sheep, dogs, cats, ducks, geese, etc).  These animals have been rescued from  neglect, abuse, injuries and illness. This is a sanctuary. The animals are never sold or sent to slaughter. Billie, her husband Andrew and daughter Tamsin basically run the entire operation 24/7. They depend on donations to survive. 
Currently, they are really suffering because of a severe drought the past 6 years. This means no water or grass for the animals.
Many Australian farmers are shooting their cattle and other animals bc the animals are starving and the farmers do not have many options.
I am asking you to open your hearts and give whatever you can afford to donate.  This truly is an emergency for them.
If you have a Facebook account you can "friend" Billie Dean and read more about their plight.

The exchange rate for USD to AUD is very good right now, so please, if you can and are willing, donate now.

To Donate: and click on the DONATE button on the right-hand side.

On the "donate" page, if you're in the USA, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the buttons for donating in US Dollars.

Billie and her family would be so grateful for whatever donation you could give- big or small ($10, $20, $50, etc). I know many of you are animal lovers and some not so much, I know you are all compassionate.

Please consider giving. Many lives are at stake.
And, if you know of others (or if you are part of a group) who may be interested in helping, please feel free to share this email.
It takes a village and we are the village.
Deep gratitude and love,
Nedda Wittels
(Original text sent to me by Mary Lou Bisinski.)

p.s.  A big "thank you" to those who have already given, and also to those who give in response to this email.

~~ Nedda's Animal Services

"Listening with my heart to help you find
compassionate, supportive solutions."

Nedda Wittels is an Animal Communicator, Master of Multidimensional Energy Healing,
Certified Emotion Code™ Practitioner, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, StarSeed, First Wave Light Worker, and a Master Teacher

Animal Services:
  • Animal Communication
  • Distance Multidimensional Energy Healing for animals.

For Human Services, click here.

Schedule a session: 860-651-5771.

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Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
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