Subject: Is your body still holding the fear, panic, and pain from the moment of your birth? Are these feelings holding you back in life?

You can free yourself from the injuries of the past.

Content is Light Encoded to assist your journey.

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Rays of Healing Light Newsletter

🌷🌼💐 APRIL Offerings 💐🌼🌷

~ Are you feeling safe? If not, what can you do about it?

~ Registration is open for TWA-IDO Communicate.

Class starts Saturday, April 24.


~ Melissa's Animal Care Tip for April, 2021.

~ Private Services for Animals and Humans.

  Are you feeling safe?

In the book, Code to Joy, the authors George Pratt, Ph.D. and Peter Lambrou, Ph.D. identify 7 basic beliefs that hold people back from fulfilling their dreams and life goals, and thus missing out on the joy of life.

One of them is:


Does the statement, "I am not safe" resonate as true for you?

If it does, it's holding you back from feeling joy and having a fulfilling life.

Perhaps you first felt unsafe right after the moment of birth when someone hit you on your bottom and introduced you to pain and fear.

Or perhaps you began feeling unsafe later in life due to abuse or other traumatic events. Even a small event can set up a pattern of believing "I am not safe."

If you have a chronic feeling that all is not well and that you need to be on alert nearly all the time, that feeling is stealing energy you could be giving to achieving your goals and experiencing joy.

That level of stress is exhausting and unhealthy.

   What you can do about it.

In Spiritual Empowerment Coaching sessions, I can help you get relief from feeling unsafe in the world.

To do this, we work together to identify your core beliefs and their sub-beliefs that hold you back.

Once identified, the beliefs and their emotional anchors can be released and replaced with positive, expansive beliefs and emotions.

Take your first step to freedom from feeling unsafe by signing up for a session. If you purchase a set of 2 or 3, you'll save money, too.

Invest in a session today and start feeling better! fast >>
The Joy of Meditation course.

💚 💙 💙 💚

Expand your Animal Communication skills.

Speak with animals in spirit.

Speak with animals in the wild.

Speak with animal companions.

Registration is OPEN for

TWA-IDO Communicate.


Saturdays: Apr 24, May 1, 15, 22, and 29.

 10 a.m. to Noon, or so, Eastern Time

  • LEARN 3 ways to make a telepathic link with an animal.

  • PRACTICE telepathic communication with animals

        ~ who live with humans,

        ~ in the wild, and

        ~ in spirit.

  • EXPERIENCE a MEDITATION where you TIME TRAVEL to meet your other selves for whom telepathic communication is as natural as breathing.

  • RELEASE emotional blocks to Animal Communication in a group session using Dr. Bradley Nelson's Emotion Code™.

  • And more ....

Pay only $177 USD for the course.

-- or --

Pay $277 USD for the course

plus a Private Tutoring Session in Animal Communication.

SAVE $40 on the tutoring session.

Read More & Invest now in TWA-IDO Communicate.

~ Melissa's Animal Care Tip for April, 2021.

     "Cats like a view. Have you noticed that? I especially like to be near the ceiling. Jumping up is easy. Jumping down a bit more difficult, but definitely worth the trip up.

     "Do your cats have places up high where they can hang out? A sturdy cat tree is essential for cats, especially one that takes them near the ceiling.

     "As you can see, I don't have a cat tree in every room, so I have to improvise."

💚 Melissa

Nedda's comments:

Indoor cats need stimulation for good mental and physical health. They also need ways to exercise. While Melissa runs and runs and runs when she goes outside, there are days when she can't because of rain or snow or very cold temps with winds that just weren't designed for a Southeast Asian feline with a fine fur coat. And she doesn't run much inside.

If your cats are indoors all the time, having feline "exercise equipment" will keep them healthier and happier. Just be sure it's safe. Cat trees should be heavy - weighted at the bottom so that if a cat leaps off it, the tree won't fall down, and stable enough for multiple cats to chase and wrestle while climbing. I recommend that cat trees be at least 4 levels (5 or more feet) high to be good for climbing exercise.

If you search for "cat equipment on walls" in your favorite browser, you'll discover a whole new realm of fun furniture for your cats.

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Ray of Healing Light

Private Services for Animals and Humans

~~ Services for Animals
To help you and your animals communicate,
and help them heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"

~~ Services for Humans

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Intuitive Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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