Dear Friend,
Class begins at 10 a.m. EDT. Please arrive at 9:55 so we can begin on time. Class time runs from 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how much time we need for sharing and Q & A.
If for any reason you can't make the class or know you'll be late, please send me an email so I won't delay our start waiting for you to come. Thanks. If you've already let me know, there's no need to email a second time.
Our first topic is:
Becoming Quiet Inside
~~ Let one of your animals know that you will want to speak with him or her at some point during the class. This would most likely be the animal who will be your main teacher for this course.
~~ Turn off all devices around you that might interfere or interrupt you during class time or when playing the recording of this class.
~~ Give a little thought to your goals for this course before class so we can share them during our session.
If you are one of the people who will be taking TWA-AOL by listening to the recordings, you'll have an opportunity to share your goals in the egroup.
~~ Your practice journal. ~~ A writing implement. ~~ A glass of water to stay hydrated. ~~ Your beautiful self
Nedda Wittels is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Send questions to Nedda..
See you in class. Namaste. Nedda