A few years ago, I offered a course called "Heart Centered Living." Since that time, I've come to understand how important it is for each of us to become Heart Centered in all that we do.
So much of our time and energy gets pulled this way and that way, mostly away from staying in touch with our hearts.
Did you know that your heart is the very first organ of your body to be created?
Your heart beats for you every day of your entire life.
Your heart is very special, not only at the physical level, but at the emotional and metaphysical level.
According to the Heartmath Institute, your heart has an electromagnetic field that can be detected more than 3 feet away from your body in all directions (more than 6 feet in diameter), and is 100 times stronger than the field produced by your brain.
Since our entire body is electromagnetic, the power of your heart within that system is dominant. And everyone who comes within the heart's field is affected by what's going on in your heart in that moment.
So what are you harboring in your heart that keeps you from living there all the time?
What do you need to release, clear, and heal that is taking up space and energy in your heart?
If you have trouble going into your heart space, what's keeping you out?
Read "Heart Centered Living . . . Are you living from your heart?", where you can continue exploring this question.