Subject: Give Your Animals the Gift of Improved Telepathic Listening!

Rays of Healing Light
Give your animals the gift of your
Improved Telepathic Listening!
Nedda Wittels,
Animal Communicator,

"The Power of Listening"
a free teleclass to help you
improve your telepathic reception.

Saturday, January 20, 2018
11 a.m. to noon, EST.
(Allow a little extra time at the end,
as my classes tend to run over a bit.)

What's this class all about?  Register here to ...
  • LEARN how to improve your focus when you listen telepathically.
  • DISCOVER how to open your heart center more fully to receive telepathic messages.
  • EXPERIENCE a way to become quieter inside as you prepare to listen to your animal’s messages.
  • ENJOY a most unusual conversation with one of your animal companions.
I hope you and your animals will join me.
Know someone else wanting to learn?
Share this email with a friend or relative.
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Your information will never be shared or sold.

Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.