Subject: Exciting, joyous update on Baby Bird's successful return to the wild.

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 ~~ Topics In This Newsletter ~~


"Baby Bird Update - Flying Free"

by Mena B.

In case you missed the first part of the story ....

"Baby Bird Learns How to Find Food"

by Nedda Wittels and Mena B.

"Grief Relief" Flower Essence Formula

by Nedda Wittels

🙏 Nedda's services.

Baby Bird outside living on her own.

Honeycat recovered.

"Baby Bird Update - Flying Free"

by Mena B.

Mena sent me an email yesterday, Wednesday, June 5. Here's what she wrote.

Baby bird took off, practiced flying in the large trees in front of our home, took naps where I could still see her, then made friends with the other neighborhood robins. I kept letting her know I was there and stayed in the rain outside all day for her. She saw me and let me know she was fine. She followed other mature robins and learned how to be a bird.

I’m happy to report, she is living her best life as a bird and she is not the least bit interested in being a tame bird. I succeeded. She is happy!

Thank you, thank you!



Read Baby Bird's story below.

Baby Bird learning to peck for worms.

Honeycat recovered.

"Baby Bird Learns How to Find Food"

by Nedda Wittels and Mena B.

Mena first saw Baby Bird in the street with cars rushing past her only inches away. 15 minutes went by with no sign of Mother Robin.

Mena had prior experience with wild bird rehabilitation, so she was prepared to help Baby Bird. This required catching her, which was easy, and giving her food and water in much the same way as Mother Bird would.

Despite successful physical recovery, Baby Bird showed no interest in learning how to find food for herself.

She refused to learn to peck the ground for worms, insisting that Mena continue to feed her when she put her head back and opened her beak.

Mena had to feed her every 30 minutes all day long. This was fine for now, but Baby Bird continued to ignore all Mena's efforts to get her to peck at her food.

After an Animal Communication session, everything changed.

During the session, I could feel Baby Bird's emotional blocks, her fear and anger, and especially her feeling that her own mother has deserted her after her first attempt to fly failed. Since she jumped out of the nest before her tail feathers grew in, her attempt at flight had left her stranded in the street.

Using the Emotion Code™, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, I was able to quickly release Baby Bird's emotional blocks.

As I was doing this, Mena commented that Baby Bird was showing great excitement and more activity than she had ever seen. Since we were on Zoom, I, too, could observe Baby Bird moving around more in her cage and hear her vocalizations change to ones of enthusiasm.

Then Mena and I reviewed with Baby Bird how her sensory system would help her find worms.

We told her feet would feel the vibration of their movement under the grass.

We told her that her ability to smell them would help her find just the right spots to peck.

I explained that she would be able to live outside, find a mate, and even have babies of her own someday once she knew how to feed herself.

Mena reassured Baby Bird that she would never desert her.

Over the next two days, Mena was able to train Baby Bird how to peck and hunt worms.

Mena told me, "Using [your Animal Communication training,] I telepathically projected what I needed her to do. We even did a ritual visualization to allow her to grieve the loss of her mother bird."

Now Baby Bird is pecking away, and finding worms to eat on her own. Soon she'll be ready to return to the wild.

Photo by Faun Fenderson, "Zoe's Rose"
a rose bush planted in memory of Faun's cat, Zoe.

"Grief Relief" Flower Essence Formula

by Nedda Wittels

Dear Friend,

So much loss these days. So much emotional pain.

Whether you've lost an animal or one or more relatives, a job, a home, or any other significant relationship or aspect of your life, the FES (Flower Essence Services) formula known as "Grief Relief" can be a significant aide in moving through grief.

Grieving is a process. There are many stages. They aren't necessarily experienced in a specific order, and we often cycle up and back and around and through them multiple times.

"Grief Relief" may assist you and your animals, too, from getting stuck as you and/or they move through the grieving process.

There are no rules about how anyone grieves. There's no time limit. There's no need to bury your feelings to please others. It may not feel easy, but it is necessary to grieve.

If you cut your grieving process short, it doesn't go away. It just gets buried inside you and emerges later when you have another loss, perhaps just a small loss, leaving you wondering why your grief feels inappropriate in intensity.

Buried grief can also make you sick and contribute to physical dis-ease and disfunction. This is also true for our animal companions

When you feel the need for a little support as you grieve or you notice that an animal friend is struggling with grief, try Grief Relief flower essence formula. You can get it online at Amazon or at the Flower Essence Services website. Sometimes Whole Foods Market carries it.

Grief Relief can also be used with other protocols that support you (Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™) or support an animal (Animal Communication or Energy Healing for Animals).

Flower essences do not conflict with any medications.



Help your animals when they are grieving.


~~ Services for Animals ~~
To facilitate communication between you and your animals,
and help you both heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"


~~ Services for Humans ~~

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process

by gently guiding you into taking next steps that you choose.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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