Subject: Celebrate Valentine's Day Every Day with an Open Loving Heart. Feel the Love. Be the Love. Love Is All There Is.

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Happy Valentine's Day
Dear Friend,

Celebrate Valentine's Day 2020 on New Earth by having your Heart open as much as possible all day.

Celebrate Valentine's Day 2020 on New Earth by sending Love to everyone you see, everyone with whom you speak, everyone you think about today.

Celebrate Valentine's Day 2020 by spreading Love everywhere you go, sending it to all of the Earth and all life on Earth - in the skies, in the waters, and in and on the land.

Envision your self like a Johnny Appleseed of Love, planting seeds everywhere, even in people and places where growth may be difficult or challenging.

Know in your heart that LOVE is possible for ALL.

Send love to Mother Gaia, too.

Be the Love.  After all, you were created with love, filled with love, and sent forth in love to playfully explore the Universe.

Let your Heart be your guide, today and every day.*

With great love and appreciation,
* Having difficulty sending love, receiving love, or following your heart? 

You may have a protective wall around it keeping it safe, and keeping out love, too.

HEART WALLS are protective, but they also limit your ability to experience Divine Love fully and to live from a place of love.


HEART WALLS can be gently, safely, and lovingly removed.

If you suspect you have a HEART WALL, contact Nedda at neddaw@sbcglobalnet and receive a free 15 minute consultation to determine whether you have a Heart Wall and to learn how it can be removed.
Won't you share this blessings with friends and family?
Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
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