Subject: Anchoring the Light of Consciousness

   March 2016   

Anchoring the Light of Consciousess.
"Spiritual Tip of the Month"
End the Blame Game.
Choose FREEDOM Now!


Anchoring the Light of Consciousness.

Have you been wondering where I've been since my last newsletter in the fall of 2015?

Since the full moon/blood moon/exclipse at the end of September, the Ascension process has required most of my energy and focus.  My physical body,  my emotions, and my beliefs have been undergoing major changes and redesign. My ego has had to give up control and allow, allow, allow.  Many days have been spent "couch surfing," so to speak, as I didn't have energy for anything else.

In the past months, morphing from a 3-D being to the 5-D being took precedence over nearly everything.  Every time there's a big energy shift, those of us who agreed to be way-showers have the responsibility of grounding and integrating those energies.  That's me!

Under the circumstances, I had to stop teaching.  My I Am Presence kept telling me to wait ... and I had no choice but to accept that other things had to take priority.  Meanwhile, I remained available for one-on-one sessions with clients.

Now, as March, 2016 approaches, I'm beginning to emerge from the cocoon of transformation.  I'm exploring new ways of being and doing things, for I am no longer who I was.  The timing is perfect, for spring is the time of new growth.

So I'm welcoming myself back by sending you this newsletter.  I will be blogging again, too.  Stay tuned to discover more as I emerge and create.

A special thanks to those of you who inquired about my disappearance.  It's very comforting to know that I was missed.



*  *  *  *  *
End the Blame Game.
Choose FREEDOM now!

Do you believe that all your problems are someone else's fault?  Do you blame your parents?  Society?  The church?  The government?   Your animal companions?  The weather?  Bad luck?  Your astrological chart? 

When you point a finger at others, you are pointing 3 fingers at yourself.

Until you take full responsibility for all that happens in your life ... all that you chose as a Soul and created for the experience of it, you cannot be FREE.

Stop the "blame game" today.

I Am fully responsible for
ALL that happens to me, no exceptions.

I acknowledge that I
create all that I experience.

I now choose to create consciously.

The only person who has the power to
change my life is ME!

Nedda's Services

"Listening with my heart to help you find
compassionate, supportive solutions."

Animal Services
  • Animal Communication
  • Distance Intuitive Multidimensional Healing for Animals
Human Services
  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching
  • Source Resonance Healing
  • Metaphysical Resonance Imaging
  • Akashic Record Consultations
  • Preparation for Surgery Intuitive Healing
  • Private Mentoring for professional Animal Communicators.

To schedule a session, call 860-651-5771.
Get details at Rays of Healing

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