Subject: A personal note from me to you, Friend, about listening to your body and taking gentle and loving care of yourself as a 5th Dimensional being. Invoking the quality of self-love.

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Private sessions in
~~ Animal Communication
~~ Spiritual Empowerment Ascension Coaching
~~ Multidimensional Energy Healing for animals and humans.

~~ Private Tutoring in Animal Communication
~~ Private Coaching for Animal Communicator Professionals.

All live classes.
Dear Friend,

Enormous thanks, gratitude, and appreciation to you and everyone else in my online community. 

So many people have written inquiring about my health that I feel it's time for me to share a little more about what's going on in hope that it will be of assistance to you at some point in your journey.

The Ascension process requires that you and I clean up everything from the past as we restore perfect health and move into our 5th Dimensional and higher Light Bodies. 

This happens while simultaneously integrating the higher frequency body templates (5-D to 12-D and beyond), and all the other energy shifts and changes to your Consciousness, to your DNA, to your nervous system, to your immune system, and so on.

Sometimes, this requires what feels like an enormous amount of "down time" - time for our bodies to rest deeply, to sleep ridiculous amount of hours, and to rebuild/repair.

Some of the symptoms we may experience feel like illness and may appear to be illness in the Western medical model, but it's actually our bodies doing deep cleansing, healing, revitalization, repair, and transformation.

Learning to listen to your physical body - to give it exactly what it needs, including rest, diet, healing modalities, and so forth - is an essential part of healing.  It's also a sign of SELF-LOVE and SELF-APPRECIATION and SELF-CARING, something we must all remember and relearn how to do for ourselves.

We deserve it!!

Your body knows what it needs to heal.  It knows how to heal and transform itself.  You and I have to learn to support this natural process rather than interfere with it.

I believe this is what's happening for me right now.

I live by higher guidance, and was guided to take a very delicious and powerful Ayurvedic drink in late August that strengthens the immune system. 

It worked even more powerfully than I imagined. 

My immune system "woke up," looked around, and got to work!

For the first time in 25+ years I actually ran a fever for several days.  That was the first round, and then as I started to recover from being very weak and eating hardly anything for several days, along came the second round.

I won't bore you with symptoms, but in each case I recognized "old patterns" that had never been cleared from my body and had become chronic over the years.

During this process, I've experienced some cravings for foods I rarely eat or have stopped eating.  Examples are: very tart raspberry jam, rye/pumpernickel bread, old-fashioned home-made chicken soup, gingerade kombucha in vast amounts, bread and butter pickles, and Brie cheese.  My body is still rejecting raw vegetables, but some raw fruits seem to be fine.

Considering that I had gone vegan at the start of 2020, this shift back to meat and cheese was a complete surprise.

Our bodies are very intelligent and know what they needs to heal.  It may be a new idea, but I believe we need to listen and give them body whatever they need, even when this doesn't fit old belief systems.

The "pop a pill and keep going" approach many of us have been conditioned to do, will interfere in complete healing.

So I'm slowly recovering and getting stronger, but also continuing to have episodes of needing lots of sleep, sometimes being unable to sleep and then crashing, and then going through another round of house cleaning symptoms as my immune system goes after something that's still lurking. 

It's a bit of a roller coaster ride.

At this point in the process, I'm immensely grateful to be able to assist you and others when you request a private session, so if you'd like some help, please contact me.

I am available for all types of private sessions.

Contact me if I can be of assistance
to you personally, as well as to you and your animals.

You can email me at

Visit RaysofHealingLight to read about my services,


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Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
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