You are the one you've been waiting for.
Dear Friend,
The Christ Consciousness is returning.
It is returning in you.
Deep in your heart is the Infinite Love that you seek.
Open your heart today.
Open your heart each and every day.
Open your heart to give love and to receive love.
If fear shows up, ask your I Am Presence to transform it into Light.
If sadness shows up, ask your I Am Presence to transform it into Joy.
When your heart is open, you can let go of the past and truly live in the now moment.
Remember, you are a multidimensional being. You live in all dimensions simultaneously. You can CHOOSE from which dimension you want to live in each NOW moment.
So are you choosing 3-D duality?
Or are you choosing 5-D unity and Limitless Love?
Open your heart and experience the perfect Love that lives inside you.
May you have the most loving, the most joyous, the most blessed of holidays.
My love to you always,