Subject: ★ Parasites & Broken Links [fixed]


it's true, using 'SEO' to pull in free traffic used to be easier, kinda...

[it's also true that the link I included in this email earlier today was broken, sorry! This one does work]

ranking your own sites has become more and more difficult over the last few years as Google gives preference to big, well established authority sites.

but there is a way to get your content ranked in Google by leveling the playing field with those big "authority" sites.

it's called 'Parsite SEO'

put simply this is when you setup a page on one of these high authority sites with your own content to rank and grab the traffic for yourself.

These kind of sites want and need your content, so it's perfectly legitimate and you're not going to get slapped by google for doing this.

the obvious example of this in action is youtube...

it consists entirely of content added by users, so if you are a video marketer using youtube to rank your videos, then you are already using parasite SEO

the important point here is that youtube isn't the only one...

In fact there are LOTS of other high authority sites that you can use to rank your content in the same way, taking advantage of their domain authority to generate traffic for your benefit.

And it can all be broken down to a series of simple steps:

1. Find an opportunity/page in your niche/Topic area
2. Download the content
3. Re-write it better than before
4. Upload the new content to the same authority site as the original
5. Point some backlinks at it
6. Outrank the original
7. and grab all that free traffic for yourself

it really is as paint by the numbers as seo gets, providing you know how to find those opportunity pages in the first place, which is exactly what I designed my new SaaS 'App' Rank Hijack to do for us...

Hit the button below to check it out, the demo video is about half way down the page and I run through exactly how Rank Hijack works:

Note: As this is the first time we've opened the doors to the public we're going to be offering a lifetime license for the next few days, but the price goes up by $10 at the end of today...

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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