Subject: What is Ihsan and how to achieve it?

Quran Academy Newsletter
Learn, Love & Live the Quran
Assalaamualikum Friend,

Ihsan is an extremely comprehensive term that includes all acts of goodness towards others. It encompasses dealing with others in a goodly manner, perfecting something and doing it with excellence in order to please Allah, giving your best to people around you, fulfilling your duty as a good slave to Allah and a good person to His creation and so on and so forth. Doing acts of goodness include using your wealth, knowledge, position and body to do good to others. In short, a person with ihsan does no harm to himself or others through his deeds/words/actions.

In the latest article, we explain how you can achieve Ihsan?

Read on to know to more inshaAllah! 
And do not forget to share :)

Your Brother,
Bilal Memon
Founder & CEO
An Nawawi’s Hadith #2: Hadith of Jibreel A.S [Part III]

In the previous two parts, we learned about Islam and Imaan. In this part, we will focus on the remaining part of this hadith inshaAllah which explains what is Ihsan and how to achieve it?

An Nawawi’s Hadith #2: Hadith of Jibreel A.S [Part IV]

A Muslim basically “submits to Allah”. What does it mean to submit? All of us testify to the Oneness of Allah but do we actually submit to Him in the true sense? The last part of this article explains it all! 

Quran Academy in collaboration with Ramadan Legacy has produced a FREE Video Series to help you with your preparation for Ramadan! 

In this Free Video Series, Imam Suleiman Hani:
  1. Overviews the most common issues that many of us face in the leadup to the month of Ramadan due to our busy daily lifestyles. He examines the purpose of perspective and intentions applicable in every area of our lives, in order to maximize the fruits of the holy month. He also reveals the power of the technique of ‘incorporation’ – enabling us get the maximum amount of rewards in the most effective manner by filling in time-gaps that we normally overlook [ Video #1 ]
  2. Discusses the importance of time as the most valuable possession we have. He discloses how positive transformations can be made for greater Ramadan productivity via effective time management skills, while also reflecting on the beautiful lessons from Surah Al Asr [ Video #2]
  3. Touches upon post-Ramadan goals and objectives in terms of Taqwah and their crucial importance in gaining perfection in the personal, professional, social and spiritual aspects of our daily lives. He also outlines various ways we can extend the great achievements of Ramadan beyond the length of the month, so that they last us throughout the year [Video #3]
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