Subject: The Purpose of Life


The Purpose of Life

Assalamualaikum Friend,

The most insolent aspect of our ‘existence’ lies in the fact that our lives are dominated by tendencies that are materialistic, improbable and superiority- centric. Human being is captioned to be power hungry, selfish and illusionistic. We are driven by goals that have no sensibilities, overpowered by inane desires and attracted to what is terrible and doomed. Time and again, human beings have proven that their understanding of life is based on false pretences and unreasonable assumptions of happiness.


On the Road to Doom

The factual reality tells us that we have overcome ‘the age of darkness’ and have come towards light (renaissance). However the parameters of development and progress are what differentiates one human being from another. A person might appreciate a meal a day while someone else might still complain for not having enough dishes on the table. Click the link to read more!


Your Brother 💜

Bilal Memon

Founder & CEO,


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