Learn, Love & Live the Quran |
Assalaamualikum Friend,
Alhumdulilah we excitedly opened the gates to our Inner Circle. |
Here are 3 reasons why Quran coaching is more effective than regular teaching:
1. The Program is Customized for YOU
Memorizing the Quran & Improving your Tajweed is a very personal journey. What works for someone else might not necessarily work for you (and vice versa). After all, everyone is leading different lives with unique struggles.
You need a coach who can set realistic goals for you and help you plan and execute according to your availability and pace.
Only a coach can truly understand your personal circumstances and develop a system so you can achieve your full potential, with the help of Allah.
2. Mindset & Accountability
To achieve external goals, it’s vital that we first master our internal goals a.k.a. mindset. We all know how difficult it is to perform at our best when we have inner problems to deal with.
A coach can identify these barriers that are blocking your progress and set the perfect system to manage and overcome them. They can motivate and hold you to account to make sure you progress at an extraordinary pace to master your mindset and ultimately achieve all your Quran goals.
3. Mentorship
To receive guidance from someone who has been-there-done-that is the BEST sort of guidance you can possibly get. Their knowledge and experience on mastering the Quran can save you a lot of time, effort and money had you tried to accomplish this by yourself.
If you’re ready to 10x your progress and achieve all your Quran goals in 2019 then click here to apply for the Inner Circle. We only have a few spots remaining.
Speak soon inshaAllah!
Sincerely, Bilal Memon Founder & CEO Quran Academy