Subject: Practical Steps to Attain Taqwa (1 of 5)

Quran Academy Newsletter
Learn, Love & Live the Quran
Assalaamualikum Friend,

In the last few emails, we learned what taqwa in Islam is and had a brief introduction on how we can be of the muttaqeen. In this and the next four emails, we will explore action points and practical steps to attain taqwa and become of those whom Allah SWT loves.

Step #1: Hold Yourself Accountable

Maintain a diary for this. Write down the significant deeds you did today,
  • Prayed on time or missed it?
  • Read Quran or not?
  • Helped family?
  • Indulged in a secret act of charity (even $1 with sincere intentions will do)
  • The sins you indulged in (let this be only between you and Allah)
Action Point:

Now, at night, when you look at your diary, hold yourself accountable. For all the times you faltered and erred, seek Allah’s forgiveness immediately and repent. This is one of the quickest ways to clean your book of deeds from sins. By doing so, you are looking at ways to improve your day-to-day life, in turn improving your station in jannah manifold.

P.S. Keep your Quran learning consistent by working with a QA coach who will create a customized plan for you and hold you accountable on a daily and weekly basis: 

Your Brother,
Bilal Memon
Founder & CEO Quran Academy
Quran Academy Inc, PO Box 1701, Piscataway, NJ 08855, United States
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