Subject: Few Ways of Teaching the Quran

Quran Academy Newsletter
Learn, Love & Live the Quran
Assalaamualikum Friend,

After we have understood the reasons why we should pass on our knowledge of the Quran to others (as we did in the past 5 emails), then the question may arise: “How do I teach the Quran?” because let’s be honest, not everyone will become a Da’ee or a teacher at the local Arabic school.

For the rest of us who may not walk these paths of ‘normal teachers’, there are still different ways through which we can teach people the Quran daily.

1. Establish a Learning Circle in Your Home
A lot of what we learn outside of classrooms comes from our own homes. Establish the habit of teaching the Quran in your home, such that this circle of knowledge becomes a part of your family. You can also make this a thing with your friends!

2. Volunteer to Teach at the Local Masjid
A lot of masjids will accept help from someone who has learned about the deen to a substantial level and this is a good way to teach more people about what you know.

3. Share Your Knowledge Online

These days, you can teach people anything on the internet through a blog, podcast, YouTube video, etc. Use any of these mediums to share your knowledge and reach as many people as possible. Think of this as even a form of sadaqah jariyah. Because even after you may have passed away, people will still benefit from the knowledge that you have shared online.

Teaching others what we know of the Quran and the Sunnah is not just an act of charity, it is a deed that has the potential to outlive us and earn us rewards till the Day of Judgment. Because as the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him” (Riyad us-Saliheen)

Your Brother,
Bilal Memon
Founder & CEO Quran Academy
Quran Academy Inc, PO Box 1701, Piscataway, NJ 08855, United States
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