Subject: Feeling Low Eeman? Try These Productive Things to Do 🗓️

Assalamualaykum Companions,

We pray this email finds you well in both eeman and health.

As we all know, there are days when our eeman (faith) may feel low and it can be challenging to stay motivated in our daily lives. Whenever you find yourself struggling, know that eeman is like a pendulum. Sometimes it swings high, and sometimes it swings low. But there are ways that we can use to keep our eeman charged as much as possible, and reduce the occurrence of our low eeman days.

In our today's selection of blog posts, we would be highlighting ways through which one can do productive activities to boost their eeman, Reading Adhkar To Relieve Worries, Our Behaviour As A Muslim and How To Stop Focusing On People's Blessings.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we hope you enjoy our latest blog posts. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future newsletters, please don't hesitate to let us know. We're always open to hearing from our readers.

Whenever you find yourself struggling, know that eeman is like a pendulum. Sometimes it swings high, and sometimes it swings low. But there are ways that we can use to keep our eeman charged as much as possible, and reduce the occurrence of our low eeman .

Our beloved Prophet (ﷺ) taught us many simple adhkar that relieve worry. These adhkar can be said any time of the day and are so simple. The next time you feel worried, turn your worry into ibadah with these 8 adhkar.

If Allah (ta’ala) forbids us something in the Qur’an, it is part of obedience and good manners to stay away from it. If He (ta’ala) encourages us towards something good, then we go towards it. Part of improving our behaviour is adopting the manners that are mentioned in the Qur’an; practising patience so that you can be from the saabireen, fearing Allah (ta’ala) so that you can be from the mu’taqun, etc.

You don’t realize it in the beginning. A friend of yours got admitted into the University that you both applied to, and even though you were happy for them, you also felt a twinge of jealousy. That mum on Instagram has so much space in her house that she doesn’t have to always look for where to fit everything into. You aren’t jealous of her, but you just wish you can get a bigger place too.

Blessed to serve you on your Qur'an journey,

Team Quran Academy

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