Subject: Friend, Do you know who Bilqis (RA) is?

Quran Academy Newsletter
Learn, Love & Live the Quran
Assalaamualikum Friend,

Bilqis (ra) was the Queen of Saba (Sheba) in the 6th century B.C. The land of Saba is in modern day Yemen. The Holy Quran depicts Bilqis (ra) as a wise ruler who consults with others and dislikes war.

Belqis (ra) and her people worship the sun. When Prophet Sulaiman (a) hears about her from his hoopoe bird, he sends her a letter, asking her to worship the one true God.

Belqis (ra) receives the letter with respect and consults her advisors about it...

Read on to learn more!

Your Brother,
Bilal Memon
Founder & CEO of Quran Academy

Women Honored in the Holy Quran Part 2: Bilqis (ra) and the Mother of Musa (a)
"We restored him to his mother in this way, so that she might be comforted, not grieve, and know that God’s promise is true, though most of them do not know."
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