Subject: Bring JOY in Learning the Quran

Quran Academy Newsletter
Learn, Love & Live the Quran
Assalaamualikum Friend,

At Quran Academy, we truly believe that learning the Quran can be - and should be - ENJOYABLE.

When you recite the Quran, your heart should feel the joy and pleasure of connecting with your Lord and your soul should feel the peace that emanates from its recitation.

This is an experience like no other.

You see, when we recite the Quran as a chore, learning it can sometimes become mundane and difficult. But when we begin to appreciate the Quran, the process suddenly becomes enjoyable and learning it becomes easy.

Apply for a free call and improve your relationship with the Quran.

Here are a couple of practical ways to bring JOY into our Quran journey.

1. Purify your Intentions.

Before reciting the Quran, remember the reason why you’re reciting it in the first place. Indeed, reciting the Quran is a noble action of worship that Allah loves and for that reason, it has immense rewards attached to it.

2. Understand what you’re Reciting.

The noble Quran is the words of our Lord, Allah (SWT). When we begin to understand His words, we can truly connect with Him and develop a strong love for Him (SWT). Consequently, Allah’s love for you will grow.

3. Learn how to Recite with Beauty and Accuracy.

Learning Tajweed can be difficult at times, but when you practice and master it, the feeling of accomplishment is so rewarding. Besides that, listening to yourself reciting proficiently brings a lot of pleasure and peace to the heart.

At our Quran Academy, all the teachers are trained to instill this joy and love into the Quran journey of our students. They teach Quran in a unique way that helps every student to truly connect with Allah (SWT) and enjoy the blessed journey that they’re on.

Apply for a free call and improve your relationship with the Quran.
Here’s what Jasmine Mah from Canada had to say about her “enjoyable” experience with us,

“Before, reading the Quran for me was limited to reading English translations, as my Arabic ability was limited to recognizing the letters of the alphabet. Learning with Qari as a teacher was wonderful because he makes the topic so approachable and enjoyable, and very systematic at the same time.

“One of my favourite parts of the course was the excellent explanation of Makhraj (letter pronunciations), as Qari explains how to pronounce letters in a non-abstract way that I could understand and replicate.” (From the Beautiful Tajweed Course).

Apply for a free call and improve your relationship with the Quran.

Your Brother,
Bilal Memon
Founder & CEO Quran Academy
Quran Academy Inc, PO Box 1701, Piscataway, NJ 08855, United States
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