Subject: 8 Things to Do as Ramadan Begins (Part 4 of 4)

Quran Academy Newsletter
Learn, Love & Live the Quran
Assalaamualikum Friend,

7. Organize the Home
As much as we may not want to admit it, we spend a lot of time during Ramadan either preparing meals or entertaining guests. Before the month comes, it is a good idea to organize the things you will need for the house in the month of Ramadan.

Shop for non-perishable food in bulk and also if possible, prepare some meals in advance and freeze.

Even if you are a student or working adult living alone, you can save precious Ramadan minutes by organizing your needs before the start of Ramadan.

8. Disengage from Bad Habits and Sins
By now, you can get a sense that whatever one wants to do in Ramadan, it is a good idea to start practising before the month arrives. The same goes for every bad habit or sin that we have sworn to stay away from during Ramadan

Many people are not able to quit bad habits cold turkey, so waiting till Ramadan to stay away from what Allah (swt) has forbidden may not be a good idea. Make a sincere intention to slowly move away from these habits before Ramadan and ask Allah (swt) for His help.

May Allah (swt) grant us all the goodness of the month of Ramadan. Aamin.

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Your Brother,
Bilal Memon
Founder & CEO Quran Academy
Quran Academy Inc, PO Box 1701, Piscataway, NJ 08855, United States
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