Subject: 5 Ways To Benefit the Ummah

Quran Academy Newsletter
Learn, Love & Live the Quran
Assalaamualikum Friend,

The Muslim Ummah is made up of all of us – young, old, male and female, all striving towards the pleasure of Allah (ta’ala). Ours is not a nation where each person is in isolation. The Ummah is like a body, and as we know whatever affects one part of the body affects the other. And whatever benefits one part of the body, is good for all of the body.

The Muslim Ummah is a nation that should at all times be united, and this is why it is imperative that all of us as Muslims do our own part in uplifting the Ummah. 

If you have been wondering how you can be beneficial to the Ummah, read on to learn how you can do so! 

Your Brother,
Bilal Memon
Founder & CEO
5 Ways to benefit the Ummah
As Muslims, we should actively contribute to the growth of the Ummah. in this post, we share 5 ways through which everyone can uplift the Ummah.

Controlling the Tongue in the age of Social Media 
The internet has allowed the average person talk more than they would normally do in real life. We leave comments on many websites, post our own thoughts and join many conversations online. This makes the issue of controlling our tongue very important.

5 Recommendations for the Purification of the Heart
Every Muslim needs to be on the journey of constantly seeking to purify their hearts. To rid the heart of negative influences, distractions, and fill it with all that is pleasing to Allah (ta’ala) so that we can successfully fulfill our purpose in life.

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