Assalaamualikum Friend,
We hope you are enjoying the New Years! As part of our 2017 goals, we want to Insha'Allah deliver a lot of enriching content to help you build a stronger relationship with the Quran!
In this series, we've highlighted key misperceptions surrounding learning Quranic Arabic. Allah SWT made it easy to learn and understand the Quran and once we first internalize this and make an effort to comprehend Quranic Arabic, then we can be well on our way to reflect on and appreciate the true miracles and gems in the Quran.
Additionally, I wanted to highlight a poem I discovered called The Quran's Lament:
The Quran's Lament
"As an ornament do they adorn me, Yet they keep me, and sometimes kiss me. . In their celebrations they recite me, In disputes they swear by me. . On shelves do they securely keep me, Till another celebration or dispute, when they need me. . Yes, they read and memorise me, Yet only an ornament am I. . My message lies neglected, my treasure untouched, The field lies bare, where blossomed once true glory. . Wrong is the treatment that I receive So much to give have I, but none is there to perceive."
Let 2017 be the year we work super hard to understand the Quran and be its companion, Ameen!
The Quran Team |