Subject: ⏳ 20% Off Ends Soon – Transform Your Ramadan Today!

Ramadan is here, and so is your chance to take your Qur’anic journey to the next level. Alhamdulillah, we’ve seen such an overwhelming response to our

Assalamualaikum Friend,

Ramadan is here, and so is your chance to take your Qur’anic journey to the next level. If you’ve been longing to connect with the Qur’an on a deeper level, this is your moment. QATV makes learning Qur’anic Arabic simple, engaging, and accessible for everyone, no matter your current level of knowledge.

Here’s what makes QA TV special and effective in understanding Quranic Arabic.

QA TV offers you the best learning experience as it combines self-paced learning with on-demand tutorship with Ustadh Fahim!

Having both gives you the best chance of success. Numerous studies show that self-paced learning courses with access to a teacher have much higher completion rates than fully self-paced course. Additionally, students have been shown to perform twice as well when they have access to a teacher compared to when they don’t.

Take a look at the kind of on-demand tutorship current QA TV members are enjoying with Ustadh Fahim:

This is what people say from all around the world about QATV:

“Thank you teacher for making me learn Quranic Arabic. It’s my first time joining an online class and I love the way you are teaching, Jazakallah.” (Mohamed)

“As Salammu Aleikum Ustadh Qazi, thank you so much for your help. I feel like a child wanting to run home and tell my mother how well I did, like when I was a young boy. May Allah the highest grant her paradise. Ameen Jazakallah Khairan.” (Dawud)

"Alhamdulillah I found these lessons interesting, fun and easy. Now, my goal is to complete the course and move onto the advanced level so that I could understand Quran and learn more about the messages in it.

Jazakallah for providing us with the simplified course." (Yusra)

Give yourself the gift of getting a headstart to understand the most common Quranic Arabic words during Ramadan, so you can experience a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the Quran in this blessed month.

Start today and we’ll reward you with a 20% lifetime discount! Go here to choose your membership package now.

After March 7 2025, 11.59 pm EST, the prices will go up and you will lose the lifetime discount. Take advantage now.

We hope to see you in the Quran Academy TV Members Area very soon :)

WIth peace and Duas,

Team Quran Academy

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