Subject: Next Role-Play Thursday

Next Role-Play Thursday

September 3rd, 2020 at 8:00 am MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. Role-play starts in one hour! Please click on the link to see the time and register. ...

Next Role-Plays Tuesday Thursday

September 1st, 2020 at 8:33 am MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. Role-play starts in 30 minutes! We will hold two role-plays this week, Tuesday and Thursday. Please click on the link to see the times and register. ...

Next Role-Plays Tuesday Thursday

August 31st, 2020 at 6:27 pm MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. We will hold two role-plays this week, Tuesday and Thursday. Please click on the link to see the times and register. ...

Anthony Matthews Live on Instagram!

August 29th, 2020 at 9:21 am MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. On Saturday August 29th, in just less than three hours, I will be interviewed by Fola Alade ESQ. (ASCMA, UK) (IADT, UK) on Instagram Live ...

Next Role-Play

August 25th, 2020 at 5:50 pm MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. Thank you all for your response to my volunteer project. I had a lot of responses and will get back to everyone as soon as I can. NEXT role-play is Thursday at 11 am New York, 4 pm La ...

Seeking short-term volunteers

August 20th, 2020 at 11:21 am MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. I am seeking 20 volunteers each to complete a project. This project is fun, and will take about an hour or so. It's sitting at your computer and you can do it on your own time. Your w ...

Role-Plays this week

August 16th, 2020 at 1:10 pm MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. We are holding two role-plays this week, on Tuesday and Thursday. Please visit the registration page to register. Remember to change the time zone so that you can see the times where ...

Monthly Colorado Mediation Group meeting

August 14th, 2020 at 6:12 pm MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. Several of you have attended the monthly meeting of our local mediation group here in Colorado, which this month is Saturday August 15th. Meetings are held via Zoom and you are all in ...

Special notice from Quallo [[date format="long"]]

August 12th, 2020 at 6:44 pm MDT

Hello Friend: This is a notice from Quallo, the Mediation group. We have been very busy the last couple of weeks presenting our very own 40-Hour mediator training. The class was very successful, with about 80 people participating - 30 students and th ...


August 9th, 2020 at 1:15 pm MDT

Hello Friend: Test of unsubscribe That's it! Please write back if you have any questions. Anthony Matthews +1-720-722-6896 (Whatsapp)