Subject: Just 4 hours to go…🔥

Just 4 hours to go…


 The past week has been a challenging week down my way - rained all the time and spent a lot of time steering floodwater away from the house. Then we had no power all day yesterday on the day I wanted to do a review of Lost Affiliate Secrets from Kam Jennings


What you will get is 16 emails covering some forgotten marketing angles. You will get a rolodex of affiliate links to add into those emails. You will get some training on how to do that. Tee them up and start sending. The deluxe edition has audio and video material to turn all of that into a product - my plan.

Rather than do a review I will make a video showing it all in action. That will not make it in time for the change in pricing. Only $5.99 is not a big risk to get in early

At midnight eastern tonight (about 5 hours from now) Lost Affiliate Secrets:VOL1 is going OFF sale.

She’ll still be affordable but just not “new launch sale” affordable.


To your rediscovering affiliate secrets progress

Mark Carrington


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