Subject: Heads Up! Free Affiliate Funnels Coming Tomorrow


Kevin Fahey has been active in Internet Marketing (IM) a long time now. In that time, he built a comprehensive collection of evergreen products covering a range of marketing and traffic and list building topics.

He has found the most powerful word in IM is FREE.

Tomorrow he is taking that to a new level. He is giving access to 10 of his funnels with very generous pricing. Yes you get access to 10 funnels where you can give away a report or a checklist or a training course to open up the doors to his funnels.

All you need is a WarriorPlus account and to send traffic. That is the easy way.

He is also giving you a way to build your own list but for now let's stick with the easy way.

Product launches tomorrow (April 30) 9 am New York time. Be ready

See you there

Mark Carrington

ps If you want a sneak preview, I have made a review video - I got preview access early. See it on this link

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