Subject: Harness the Power of the Membership-Based Economy…

Welcome to the Membership-Based Economy…

I need to tell you about Automatic. It’s Kam Jennings newest email newsletter. It’s 14 emails (a 2-week sequence basically) and it’s all about membership clubs.

But why? Why should you care about this?

Because this is the way the entire world is starting to go.

Perhaps it’s Netflix’ fault. Back in 2007 they opened their streaming platform and that really began changing the way we view the idea of getting a movie to watch.

No more lines at the video store. No more getting your hopes up for the latest release, just to find out they are all rented out when you get there. Nope, Netflix offered something a little different.

The power of convenience and to never be out of stock. All for under 10 bucks a month.

The value proposition was high.

Flash-forward to 2022 and everyone has a streaming service. Most businesses online and off are working to get a membership service or program in place.

Think Walmart Plus, Amazon Prime, Spotify, CVS CarePass (for 48 bucks a year and it brags that it’s “the first loyalty and membership program that offers free national pharmacy delivery on eligible prescriptions.”)

But the reason Kam brings all this up is to point out just how widespread the idea of having a recurring form of income has become.

In his opinion, it is the true financial foundation of online business. He's been running membership programs in some form or another since 2013 and has never regretted it.

And that brings Kam to the point of Automatic…

His words

"I want to share some of my expertise and experience on the subject of membership clubs with you. But more than that…

I wanted to put this all in a newsletter form (over 11,000 words) with a PLR license so that YOU could not only use this information for yourself…

…but you could sell it as an asset. Become the expert that helps OTHERS recognize the membership-based economy. "

When you pick this one up, you are going to be getting:

One) The Complete Automatic Newsletter 14 Email Autoresponder Sequence (11,247 words!)

Two) The Automatic Affiliate Program Black Book is a selection of MADE TO FIT affiliate programs for this email sequence so that you can begin using the sequence quickly!

Three) The "How To Use Epic Conversions Newsletters" Training Video that shows you exactly how to use these emails to make money!

Four) The Easy 23 - The Easy 23 is 6 Video Modules Revealing 23 Easy Membership Business ideas for lazy folks who love to make money!

Five) An Official PLR License so that you can NOT ONLY use these emails to your advantage but you can SELL THEM as well as an REAL ASSET!

And if you pick this up before October 31 close, you can get it for the low pricing of $5.99! Less than the cost of a pizza!

To your membership wins

Mark Carrington

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