Subject: 75% Ridden for Kids Cancer - Passed 1,000 kms today

As you know this month, I'm riding in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! I have chosen to ride the last section of the East Coast of Australia - Melbourne to Bermagui

So far, I've ridden 1006.2km towards my 1250km ride goal... I'm almost there! Well it is a lot more than that. Today I reached Bermagui and have completed the East Coast and Melbourne to Sydney - 3 days to go and I will know off 1250 kms too

It's been a tough month - hills and rain and floods - my legs are tired - they want to lie down. It's nothing compared to what these brave kids and their families face every day of their lives as they battle this terrible disease.

Kids should be living life, NOT fighting for it.

Please support my challenge and help me reach my goal to end childhood cancer and save little lives.

Simply click the link to make a donation and view my progress so far

I am super close to earning a Super Hero jersey at $2500 donated. Close

Take good care

Mark Carrington

ps Read my daily posts here 

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