Subject: Did you know? Tina Turner cleaned homes to pay rent

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Wha Lessons fromTina Turner's story 
Hello Friend,

I don't know if you knew the late Tina Turner?
Maybe you heard some of her songs like What’s Love Got to Do With It” and many more.
It's sad news to know that she is not with us anymore (died recently at age 83). We feel sad but we also celebrate her life and the impact she has had on many people including me.
Yesterday I was live on YouTube sharing what I learned from her story
including the fact that after she left an abusive marriage, she had to clean homes to pay her rent. I don't know if you heard me tell my story about cleaning homes right in Virginia,USA after my husband's accident.
There are so many lessons we learn on a personal level but also on professional and business levels. I share all.
Please also note:
1- I still support everyone interested in learning affiliate marketing
2- Right now I am inviting everyone who wants to start a YouTube channel. 
If interested in the above just text me using WhatsApp.

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My name is Sherifa Nakalema
President Honest Souls, Inc

I am a Business Owner, living 
in Virginia USA, very passionate
about success for everyone.
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