Subject: Welcome To Your Journey Out of The Darkness! 😎

Welcome to Dance of Life: Your Journey Out of the Darkness of PTSD

Did you know that approximately 8 million adults in the United States alone are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder each year – not including the estimated millions of those who are non-diagnosed for whatever personal reasons?

Join us at "Dance of Life â€“ The Journey Out of the Darkness of PTSD," where we specialize in a holistic approach to healing PTSD to guide you towards lasting recovery and empowerment - from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to Post Traumatic Growth.

Are you ready to take your first step into your greatness and an amazingly joyful, loving future? Sign up for a free, private, one-on-one telephone consultation with director, Nancy Howard!

Explore how "Dance of Life" can transform your journey out of the darkness of PTSD and into the light of possibility -- that we "can learn and draw strength from the diversities that traumatized us."

Learn how "Dance of Life" embraces a wide range of techniques inspired by Integral Coaching philosophy.

Contact Nancy Today To Recieve Your FREE Initial Consultation

Discover the possibilities for your future greatness and for living your life on your own terms. Schedule your free initial consultation today.

To your good health,


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