Subject: Welcome To Dance of Life - Coming Out of The Darkness

Introducing Our Dance of Life Facebook Group

Hello Friend,

I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. Today, I am reaching out with a sense of purpose and anticipation as I unveil a transformative program close to my heart — "Dance of Life: Your Journey out of the Darkness of PTSD." Having lived for 19 years in silence about my own traumatic experience, I understand the weight that darkness can cast on one's soul. When I finally found the courage to share my story, it marked not only my emergence from that darkness but also the beginning of a mission to offer hope, joy, and purpose to others grappling with PTSD.

In this program, I draw upon over 50 years of coaching experience, combined with extensive therapeutic training and coaching certification, to provide a unique blend of support and guidance. "Dance of Life" isn't just about survival; it's about transcending trauma, discovering joy, rekindling hope, and embracing a life filled with purpose.

As we embark on this journey together, I invite you to join the conversation, share your experiences, and find solace in our growing community on our Facebook Group. Together, let's create a space where healing is not just a destination but a continuous, empowering dance toward a more fulfilling life.

Warm regards,

Nancy Howard

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