Subject: State Of The


Many people have lost their jobs or seen their incomes cut. Unemployment rates have increased across major economies. In the United States, the proportion of people out of work hit a yearly total of 8.9% in 2020, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), signalling an end to a decade of jobs expansion.

U.S. unemployment rate by industry U.S. Published by Statista Research DepartmentMay 10, 2021

 As of April 2021, the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industry had the highest unemployment rate in the United States, at 14.3 percent. In comparison, government workers experienced the lowest unemployment rate, at 2.3 percent. The average for all industries was 5.7 percent.

Cumulative cases of COVID-19 worldwide from Jan. 22, 2020 to Mar. 16, 2021,Published by John Elflein, Mar 29, 2021

 As of March 16, 2021, there have been almost 121 million cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide. The disease has impacted more than 210 countries and territories, with the United States confirming around one-fifth of all global cases.

GDP Growth Rate in Europe.

Published by D. Clark, Feb 15, 2021

The economy of the European Union is expected to shrink by 7.4 percent in 2020, following the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in early 2020, with an economic recovery anticipated in 2021. Spain and the United Kingdom are set to be the worst affected economies, seeing GDP decline by 12.4 percent and 10.3 percent respectively, with Lithuania's GDP forecast to shrink by 2.2 percent and suffer the least damage.

GDP growth rate of the world's seven largest economies 2020, by country Published by M. Szmigiera, Mar 12, 2021

 Out of the world's seven largest economies, the United Kingdom was the most negatively affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As of the third quarter of 2020, the GDP growth rate of the UK stood at minus 9.6 percent compared to the previous year. Furthermore, the GDP of India was contracted by minus 7.5 percent. Only China experienced a positive GDP growth rate of 4.9 percent during that same period.

This is disturbing times you need to change NOW

If you truly want financial FREEDOM

Before the virus shut down the economy, 100 million Americans were barely able to make ends meet. 


People were living 'paycheck to paycheck.' Now, that the paychecks have stopped, what can people do?


There are hundreds of thousands still out of work, and depending on assistance to keep a roof over their heads.

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