Subject: What would you do if robots were to replace you?

If you're like most people, you think robots are cool.

I have nothing against them...

...however, I do have an issue with the number of occupations will vanish later on, as a result of them.

Take for instance an article I saw on Drudge Report:

"Presently Cropping Up: Robo-Farming"

As per it, India started subbing robots for human laborers.

Right around 33% of individuals in India will lose their positions.

What will befall those individuals?

No one knows.

Furthermore, to be honest, no one wants to think about it...

How about we take a gander at another article:

"How robots are improving medications, quicker"

It discussed drug organizations and how they, once more, are subbing robots for human specialists.

What's more, there is a developing number of enterprises where robots are supplanting individuals.

Obviously, managers couldn't care less about their workers' age, needs, or that they have a family to take care of.

Question is...

How protected do you feel?

Can a robot supplant you?

Take some real time to contemplate it.

What's more, don't wrongly say "Goodness, it will never happen to me, I'll be OK"

However long you're a representative, you will never be protected.

What would you be able to do all things considered?

Indeed, I understand what I did.

I didn't trust that robots will come on the scene. I loathed having a supervisor who controlled my fate. So I made a move and turned into my own chief.

What's more, it's in reality pretty simple to do it without anyone else's help.

At the point when you do it, you'll presently don't stress over getting supplanted by a moronic robot.

Discover the simple "how-to" of becoming your own boss here.

Make it a Great Day!

Wisconsin, USA
952-583-1673 ( Central Time )
wayne.knapcik (Skype)

P.S. If you already know you'll NEVER have the time, the freedom, or long term wealth you're dreaming of if you stay at that soul sucking job...  You NEED this escape plan right now!

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